Dentaurum USA eShop 1-800-523-3946
ceraMotion® One Touch Display 250-350-00
1 piece
ceraMotion® Shade Disc Incisal 254-100-00
ceraMotion® Shade Disc Modifier 254-101-00
ceraMotion® Shade Disc Chroma Concept / Bleach 254-102-00
ceraMotion® Shade Disc Touch Up 254-103-00
ceraMotion® Shade Disc Shoulder / Gingival 254-104-00
ceraMotion® Shade Disc Stains 254-105-00
ceraMotion® Shade Disc Value Concept 254-106-00
Firing tray with holder 260-300-03
Holders for firing tray 260-300-13
6 pieces
Press plunger, reusable 260-365-01
Disposable press plunger, ø 12 mm 260-365-05
20 pieces
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